A   J O U R N E Y   O F 

T H E   H E A R T 

T H R O U G H    C O N T I N E N T A L    M U S I C

  T H R O U G H    C O N T I N E N T A L 

 M U S I C 

A L L   T h I N g S   H A V E   A   S T O R Y

The story of life is that of movement. The movement of the seasons, the energy of the elements, the movement of our thoughts and feelings. We are not separated from nature. We are nature. Here, on Earth, everything is a mirror of our own soul. We are a fractal. The lyricism of a whistling bird on a branch sometimes seems to sing of joy or loneliness. Just like the motionless water surface of a river where the sand has settled to the bottom, we sometimes take the time to still and let go so that we clarify.

In springtime when the seeds find their way outside and the earth slowly becomes warm and moist again, our desires and dreams also blossom. The honeyed air of herbs and flowers invites us in summer to celebrate, dance, and share happiness. The dry leaf in autumn whispers that in her tan and curved back lies a world of warm memories. It reminds us of our own lived lives. The glistening of drops on a purple winterleaf in is the same movement as when a happy moment in dark times lights up our soul and gives hope again. We crawl under the blanket of stars of the increasingly shorter night, close our eyes and listen to our warm breath and heartbeat. And so does the bear in its hibernation. He sleeps on the pulsating beat of life in the womb of Mother Earth.

In springtime when the seeds find their way outside and the earth slowly becomes warm and moist again, our desires and dreams also blossom. The honeyed air of herbs and flowers invites us in summer to celebrate, dance, and share happiness. The dry leaf in autumn whispers that in her tan and curved back lies a world of warm memories. It reminds us of our own lived lives. The glistening of drops on a purple winterleaf in is the same movement as when a happy moment in dark times lights up our soul and gives hope again. We crawl under the blanket of stars of the increasingly shorter night, close our eyes and listen to our warm breath and heartbeat. And so does the bear in its hibernation. He sleeps on the pulsating beat of life in the womb of Mother Earth.

Mountains reach with their peaks to the clear sky. They stand still and survey life, what was what is and what will be, far away from all the swirling turmoil in the heart of the valley below them. They’ve been created through generations of changes and carry the spirit of life as we are created through the changes of our ancestors and carry the spirit of their memories. We often get lost in the turmoil and seemingly impenetrable forests of our mind valley’s. In the mill of our daily systemic existence. Our lives are a trek through lessons of joy, birth, loss and sorrow. Like migratory birds spreading their wings and traveling to the other side of the world. They experience another view.

As the journey through our cultural differences

to learn that distance is an illusion.

I am you and you are me.

Life is a beautiful kaleidoscopic expression of unity in which we see the imprint of all life forms in the form of our own body. We are all consciously or unconsciously connected to each other. Connected in a living breathing being that we dream together and that dreams us. Together we are the elements of life and the elements form the story of our existence. 

Elementana wants to connect people with the spirit of nature, animals and each other. Through poetic music, Elementana tells old and new stories with elements of continental world music, natural soundscapes and storytelling.

Experience yourself

Through the Stories of Others

Through the stories

Of Others